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Named after the active volcano 30 miles east of their hometown of Bellingham, Washington, Kulshan Brewing have grown in ten short years into a three-site operation, allowing them to produce a wide range of large and small batch beers and connect with their community across different parts of town.
Whilst Kulshan produce no fewer than fourteen year-round and seven seasonal ales and lagers, head brewer, Wesley Finger’s ultimate brewing aim is to produce a helles beer as good as Munich’s very own Augustiner. For him it’s all about delicate balance. Which is why the AEB Creative Collab with Kulshan started with Antioxin SBT alongside Spindasol SB1 and SB3 for stabilisation and clarification.
Antioxin SBT is a mash addition antioxidant containing gallotannin which reduces wort oxidation and inhibits off-flavour formation. It also prevents the oxidation of polyphenols, improves flavour stability, reduces beer haze formation and extends beer shelf life.
Spindasol SB1 and SB3 both contain pure colloidal silicon dioxide optimised for its adsorption and sedimentation properties.
The wort kettle addition Spindasol SB1 is designed to clarify wort and improve beer filtration. It has the added benefits of increased trub compaction, reducing beer losses and enhancing shelf-life. Spindasol SB3, however, is added directly into maturation tank, or in-line, in order to improve sedimentation and reduce maturation yeast count, so improving and accelerating filterability.
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