Our AEB ENGINEERING division, specialising in equipment and plant design, has devised a range of systems designed for water treatment. These systems exploit the principle of reverse osmosis and ion exchange on resins, removing microorganisms and dissolved substances.

Our AEB ENGINEERING division, specialising in equipment and plant design, has devised a range of systems designed for water treatment.
We have Enowater, process water treatment equipment with a simple and innovative system to make any mains water ideal for use in the food industry.
Osmo is equipment for reverse osmosis of water for food use. The reverse osmosis system is today's safest and most effective system for treating water for food use. It succeeds in retaining 90 to 99.9 % of the substances dissolved in the water. Treated water is also healthy and safe from a bacteriological point of view as 99.99% of bacteria and 98.00% of viruses are eliminated. It is therefore also an excellent defence against micropollutants, pesticides, pyrogens, viruses and bacteria.
We also offer Demiplus, a water demineralisation system that uses ion exchange resins: the water passes through the resins and is softened in a single pass at a predetermined rate to completely remove the ions present.