Organic and specific ADY for the elaboration of sparkling elegant wines. For primary and secondary fermentation

LEVULIA PROBIOS derives from the same strain of LEVULIA CRISTAL, but it is organic. Isolated and selected in Champagne, the LEVULIA CRISTAL strain has been tested and validated by CIVC (Comité Interprofessionnel du Vin de Champagne).
Alcoholic Fermentation:
- safe fermentation with consumption of all sugars
- low production of volatile acidity
- low foam production
Secondary fermentation:
- good fermentation recovery
- good resistance to alcohol
- suitable for multiplication by pied de cuvee
Still white wines:
- its fermentation performance guarantees to obtain dry, fine and aromatic wines
- LEVULIA PROBIOS respects the terroir and the varietal typicality
- its good reproduction capacity limits the spread of undesirable indigenous flora
Still red wines:
- good resistance to SO2, in case of maceration with SO2
- good yeast implantation capacity, which limits ethyl acetate production