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Ireks Zagabria AEB

An important seminar was organized in Zagreb, the 22nd of March, 2017, by AEB distributor IREKS. More than 100 microbrewers have been hosted from ex-Yugoslavian countries such as Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia.
The program was particularly focused on specialty beers, with lectures from several companies:
- Stamag from Ireks Group presented the qualitative aspects of the coming malt from Austria and Germany;
- Yakima gave a detailed description of hop varieties and flavor possibilities for specialty beers;
- Anton Paar showed their beer equipment;
- Prof. Santek explained to the brewers different developments in the field of fermentation.

AEB Group was promoted by Boris Coglot, Area Manager of this beautiful region, as well as Philippe Cario, Beer Business Unit Manager. The latest technologies and packaging have been shown to the brewers:
- AEB technologies in the field of fermentation:

  • All AEB beer yeasts for bottom, top fermentation as well as refermentation

  • Rehydration system and the creation of Reactivateur 60/100 for microbreweries

  • Nutrients

  • Limit attenuation enzymes, with Endozym AGP120

  • Lysocid SB, Treatment against lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

- Simple tools to preserve aromatic and colloidal stability, through treatments in the brewhouse – Antioxin SBT, Polygel BH and Endozym Brewmix Plus
- Latest innovation such as, Endozym Protease GF, AEB enzyme allowing to produce gluten free beers!

This event was concluded by a beautiful lunch. AEB Group express warm regards to Ireks Team, especially Hrvoje August and Vedran Plichta, for the organization and their professional support.

Ireks Zagabria AEB

Ireks Zagabria AEB

Ireks Zagabria AEB

Ireks Zagabria AEB

Ireks Zagabria AEB

Ireks Zagabria AEB

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