Grape Black Rot is a fungal disease that can persist for several years if left untreated.


It initially manifests itself as circular, yellowish lesions on young leaves. As these spread, they turn brown and give rise to fungal bodies resembling tiny peppercorns. As the infection progresses, the lesions may envelop the petiole of individual leaves, suffocating them. Finally, the fungus affects the shoots causing large, dark-colored, elliptical lesions.


In most cases Black Rot can cause significant loss of production, in others it has not caused any negative consequences on either the quantity or the quality of the product.


  • • Most times grapes coming from Black Rot infected vineyards have been treated with abundant copper which can cause problems to Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
  • • Moreover, the presence of molds, bacteria and other contaminants calls for microbiological protection and antioxidant activity.


Copper resistant and dominant yeast like FERMOL Blanc, FERMOL Rouge or FERMOL Complete Killer (the latter both for reds and whites).

Amino acid based nutrients and filter aids eliminate unwanted flavors and toxins: it is also recommended the addition of abundant (200-300 ppm) CELLOFERM or FIBROXCEL Vac at must phase.

Chitosan based products in fermentation can help to remove copper and to keep contaminants at bay. In particular it is recommended the use of CHITOCEL, a natural polysaccharide capable of reducing the unwanted microbial population brought in by the Black Rot infection, including acetic and lactic bacteria, native yeast and Brettanomyces. Chitosan also actively removes metals like copper allowing for easier fermentation. While CHITOCEL Must and CHITOCEL Red, both based on based on chitosan and natural antioxidants from yeast and selected woods, are ideal respectively for white and rosé wines, and for red wines.

Fumaric acid based products can enforce the activity against lactic bacteria. In particular there are two AEB specific treatments created for this purpose: PROTECT-F, a product based on fumaric acid with an antioxidant activity brought in by tannins, that ensures protection against lactic bacteria, and CHITO-F, a combination of chitosan and fumaric acid for total protection against unwanted microorganisms.