Acclibact is a nutritional solution studied and patented by AEB research group to optimize the hydration of Oenococcus oeni bacteria, facilitating their development and multiplication. To give Oenococcus oeni a competitive advantage, AEB created Acclibact: it is an hydration medium and nutritional mix, ideal to facilitate the quick and selective multiplication of Oenococcus oeni and to contemporaneously limit the development of other bacteria forming wines’ indigenous microflora. The particular formulation of Acclibact obliges the Oenococcus oeni to degrade the malic acid and to synthesize all enzymes which are necessary to its consumption. The bacteria grown under these conditions have a very limited tendency to consume sugars; on the contrary, the bacteria grown without Acclibact metabolize residual sugars, turning them into lactic acid and acetic acid and causing the increase of the volatile acidity.