As in the last editions, this Group Convention was also focused on sharing and discussing some "best practices" and experiences that have enabled us to achieve considerable goals, both in terms of products and equipment.
So let's see them together ... Let's start from the Spanish associated company, that has been able to increase the sales of complex pre-coats being able to rely on a complete range of filter aids.

Remaining in this area, another successful case is that of our Portuguese associated company, that focused on mineral water, water and juice sectors, as they started selling Fluid Clean cartridges and housing, also supplied on loan. A key factor in this sense is the recognition of AEB as a quality partner in the wine sector. This is an important aspect, allowing us to diversify sales and at the same time to acquire new customers. Besides the knowledge and ability to understand the needs of their own market.
Speaking about equipment, the experience of AEB Argentina should be highlighted: the manager Jeronimo Chaud had shined the spotlight in 2017 on the enormous potential offered by services and rent of Stabymatic, especially considering the situation not particularly rosy in which the country was until a few years ago. The rent allows the depreciation of the equipment as well as of a series of costs, such as the installation by one of our technicians, maintenance, sending of spare parts, etc.
Thanks to this idea, more than 8 million litres were processed between 2014 and 2017, and, only in 2018, the turnover of Stabymatic reached $ 600,000. A water softener preventing the formation of calcium sulphate, an initiative giving an extra gear with regard to competitors, completes the offer.
Looking at the world of wine, we can find the results of tests and analyses carried out by the team of AEB USA, that has succeeded in demonstrating that nutrients with no DAP (di-ammonium phosphate) can enhance aromatic compounds, giving a considerable influence to yeast nutrition.
Nutrition with no DAP has proved to be the one guaranteeing the highest fermentation speed with some types of yeasts, such as Fermol Sauvignon and Fermol Arôme Plus; while all yeasts multiply faster if the use of DAP is excluded. This allowed AEB USA to record a significant increase in the sales of fermentation regulators in 2017.
An interesting collaboration is taking place between our Chilean associated company and Concha y Toro, the fifth oenological group in the world, with 4 bottling plants and an annual production of 1.7 million hectolitres. The cooperation with Innotec, the support of specialized staff and integrated logistics have enabled to study and supply Concha Y Toro a customized solution made of products, services and advice at 360 degrees. The result was the proposal for an innovative ad-hoc washing process for systems and housing.
The topic of enzymes in the agro-food and beverage industry is of great importance in Brazil: we are talking about a market that in 2017 reached 7 billion dollars.

Our challenge, as stated by Moises Perez, director of AEB Brazil, lies in the ability to place as a referent in the world enzyme market. How? Giving life to a real global project on enzymes. This means, first improving the analysis of enzymatic activities, knowing competitors better, exchanging information among associated companies and looking for new markets.
Coming back in Europe, AEB Hungaria and AEB Deutschland are the protagonists of a real technical, commercial and management renewal. While the penetration into Russian and Chinese markets continues thanks to the presence of local distributors and the support of our technicians.
Also interesting is the approach profiled by Mauro Pagani, director of our French associated company, who has cast an eye on the future by identifying AEB France and the Oenolia range as the answer to customized solutions, for the creation of unique wines in total respect for the environment.
As for South Africa, the Country Manager Jürgen Kummer told us about the numerous difficulties encountered due to the water crisis that hit the country, marking the worst drought in the last 100 years. In addition to limiting the use of water by the population, with consequent and significant daily problems, drought has severely affected winegrowing and activities.

AEB Africa team immediately started working to face this problem, moving on some main directions: the utilization of Demi-Plus for the water treatment, foam detergents and foaming equipment; the recovery of rainwater for the cleaning of the plant; the use of hand hygienizers and the adoption of new hygiene measures. We wish good luck to Jürgen and his team with the hope that this situation will be resolved as soon as possible!
As you can see, also this year many ideas have emerged to work on and many opportunities to deepen ... In short, it is appropriate to say that ideas are not lacking and that the good conditions for doing a great job are all there!